• Profile photo of Vidya Bhaskar

      Vidya Bhaskar posted an update

      15 hours ago

      I have a doubt regarding kp astrology sublord concept over all……for example ….if I am checking the promise of marriage…..and 7th Csl Ju…7,8,11….stl…me…2,5,11…and sublord 1,6,10….then many kp astrologer will say….marriage will not happen…and some kp astrology will say …marriage will happen but after marriage divorce or problem will also happen… they say ..not need to take nl of nl and nl of sbl…..planet..nl..sbl is inff to check promise of any event.

      but my question is if last sublord ..ve ..1,6,10…its means marriage will not happen lastly but if add nl of sbl…which is me….2 5,11…..its mean marriage will happen and problem willl also comes depending upon dba….

      I am little bit confused what to take and what to released……..please sir give clarity on final sublord…

      • It’s very simple, whoever is guiding you, you will not get married it’s coorect if you have able provide correct information you will get married with this script. God Bless you 🙏

        • @joyybannerjii full script of 7th csl.Ju..7,8,11…it’s..stl..me..2,5,11….me starlord is ke…3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12

          Final sublord..ve..1,6,10…it’s.sublord is me..2,5,11….

          According to this script …as per joy sir kp teaching approach.. marriage is promise…..

          Am I right sir?

        • @joyybannerjii sir I have a query…4th denotes lungs or chest ….can I take 10th House for heart or lung ?…because kp astrology bharat sharma mention this line.. 10th house denotes heart issue in own kp book .this statement is true sir or not?

          • @vidya12 if you are a Member of Paid Course post your Query in KP Group, or on Astrology Discussion Group. Just Navigate to the Group Section